Living World Art
Promotional art for a Living World campaign run by Saga, the local gaming club

Art of my character for a game of Cold Ruins of Lastlife that one of my flatmates ran. He has adapted to the Ruins quite well, all things considered.

Art of a friend’s D&D group, done as a commission.

Art of a friend’s D&D group, done as a commission.


A map done as a commission for a Monster of the Week adventure module.

Art of a collection of Monster of the Week characters, done as a commission.

Tower Banner
The main characters from my superhero novel in progress, Tower (found under the Writing tab!)

A commission of a friend’s D&D character defeating her nemesis.

Character art for my flatmate’s D&D game. Angsty edgelord teenage wizard. Owns a giant vulture called Shadowfeather.

Updated Rezu
Character art for the D&D game my flatmate is running. Had to draw new art to include all the magic items we’ve acquired in the game.

A friend’s D&D character

Dwarf Bard
A friend’s D&D character

Buckets of Dice 2014 Logo

Buckets of Dice 2015 Logo

A character for a Masks tabletop game I was in one time.

Character art of an FFG Star Wars RPG character for a friend’s game

A character for a Masks tabletop game I was in one time.

My character for a FFG Star Wars game

A character for a D&D game. A Tiefling Paladin who wore a full-face helmet at all times and pretended he was an elf to avoid the usual discrimination Tieflings face. Couldn’t speak elvish. Fooled no one. Died heroically saving someone from a pit trap.

Character art for one of the many D&D games I’m in. He’s an undead Tiefling former paladin turned sorcerer who came back from the dead to help the only remaining original party member hunt down a warlock who betrayed them. He tells everyone he’s a drow. Probably no one is fooled.